Robust e-NeRF: NeRF from Sparse & Noisy Events under Non-Uniform Motion

National University of Singapore
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2023


Event cameras offer many advantages over standard cameras due to their distinctive principle of operation: low power, low latency, high temporal resolution and high dynamic range. Nonetheless, the success of many downstream visual applications also hinges on an efficient and effective scene representation, where Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) is seen as the leading candidate.

Such promise and potential of event cameras and NeRF inspired recent works to investigate on the reconstruction of NeRF from moving event cameras. However, these works are mainly limited in terms of the dependence on dense and low-noise event streams, as well as generalization to arbitrary contrast threshold values and camera speed profiles.

In this work, we propose Robust e-NeRF, a novel method to directly and robustly reconstruct NeRFs from moving event cameras under various real-world conditions, especially from sparse and noisy events generated under non-uniform motion. It consists of two key components: a realistic event generation model that accounts for various intrinsic parameters (e.g. time-independent, asymmetric threshold and refractory period) and non-idealities (e.g. pixel-to-pixel threshold variation), as well as a complementary pair of normalized reconstruction losses that can effectively generalize to arbitrary speed profiles and intrinsic parameter values without such prior knowledge. Experiments on real and novel realistically simulated sequences verify our effectiveness. Our code, synthetic dataset and improved event simulator are public.

Event Generation Model

An event $\bm{e}$ of polarity $p$ is generated at timestamp $t_{\mathit{curr}}$ when the difference in log-radiance $\log L$ at a pixel $\bm{u}$, measured with respect to a reference $\log L$ at timestamp $t_{\mathit{ref}}$, has the same sign as $p$ and a magnitude that equals to the contrast threshold associated to polarity $p$, $C_p$. Red, downwards and blue, upwards arrows represent events of polarities $-1$ and $+1$, respectively, and each right-angled dashed line represents the measured change in $\log L$.

After an event is generated, the pixel will be temporarily deactivated for an amount of time given by the refractory period $\tau$, as shaded in the figure. Thus, $t_{\mathit{ref}}$ is simply the sum of the previous event timestamp $t_{\mathit{prev}}$ and $\tau$.

Training Pipeline

For each event $\bm{e}$ in the batch $\mathcal{E}_{\mathit{batch}}$ sampled randomly from the event stream, we first derive the reference timestamp $t_{\mathit{ref}}$, given the refractory period $\tau$, and sample a timestamp $t_{\mathit{sam}}$ between $t_{\mathit{ref}}$ and $t_{\mathit{curr}}$. Next, we interpolate the given constant-rate camera poses at $t_{\mathit{ref}}, t_{\mathit{sam}}$ and $t_{\mathit{curr}}$ using LERP for position and SLERP for orientation.

Given these pose estimates $\hat{T}$, we then perform volume rendering on the back-projected rays from pixel $\bm{u}$ with the NeRF $F_\Theta$. This is done to infer the predicted radiance $\hat{L}$, and thus log-radiance $\log{\hat{L}}$, of pixel $\bm{u}$ at $t_{\mathit{ref}}, t_{\mathit{sam}}$ and $t_{\mathit{curr}}$. For brevity, we denote $\hat{L} (t) = \hat{L} (\bm{u}, t)$.

These $\log{\hat{L}}$ are ultimately used to derive the predicted log-radiance difference $\Delta \log \hat{L}$ and gradient $\frac{\partial}{\partial t} \log \hat{L} (t_{\mathit{sam}})$ for the computation of the reconstruction loss: threshold-normalized difference loss $\ell_{\mathit{diff}}$ and smoothness loss: target-normalized gradient loss $\ell_{\mathit{grad}}$, given the observed log-radiance difference $\Delta \log L$ and gradient $\frac{\partial}{\partial t} \log L (t_{\mathit{sam}})$ approximation from the event $\bm{e}$, respectively.



Dense and Noise-Free Events under Uniform Motion

Robust e-NeRF also better reconstructs fine details and preserves color accuracy, especially at the background.

Robustness to Temporal Event Sparsity

Robust e-NeRF demonstrates astonishing robustness under severely sparse event streams, which suggests its high data efficiency. Notably, reasonable accuracy can still be achieved with $\tau = 1000 \mathit{ms}$, where each pixel can only generate at most 4 events throughout the $4000\mathit{ms}$ sequence and the event stream is around $200 \times$ sparser than that of $\tau = 0 \mathit{ms}$.


This research is supported by the National Research Foundation, Singapore under its AI Singapore Programme (AISG Award No: AISG2-RP-2021024), and the Tier 2 grant MOE-T2EP20120-0011 from the Singapore Ministry of Education.


  title = {Robust e-NeRF: NeRF from Sparse & Noisy Events under Non-Uniform Motion},
  author = {Low, Weng Fei and Lee, Gim Hee},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
  year = {2023}